
The work produced over the years and reproduced on this website could not have been done without the help of a great team of clients, architects, artists, designers, builders and consultants. Thanks to my longterm corporate clients Merlo Coffee, Universal Store, Beach Burrito Company, Spoon Deli, Majella, Blackbird Energy, LC and the many families that have worked with us for over 25 years building assets for successive generations. A special note of appreciation to those that helped design, document, build and photograph hundreds of projects since 1992 Naman Briner, Paola Stocco, Elisavit Sitaropolous, Trish Weston, Cindy Allen, James Carr, Dennis Chang, Emily Day, Michael Doherty, Blake Ibbotson, Lexi Illuk, Anas Mansour, Stephen Mok, Meaghan Morice, Matt O’Sullivan, Celine O’Sullivan, Amos Pang, Michael Phillips, Andrew Smith, Craig Read, Emma Read, Vincent Teo, Cody Verney, Olya Volokitina, Tom Walker, Lily Weston, Michael Phillips, Stephen Mok…. And too many more to list here…